All Product Designer Salaries
The average Product Designer total compensation in United States at 3M ranges from $76.4K to $106K per year. View the base salary, stock, and bonus breakdowns for 3M's total compensation packages. Last updated: 2/12/2025
Average Total Compensation
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YR 1
YR 2
100 %
YR 3
At 3M, RSU + Options are subject to a 3-year vesting schedule:
0% vests in the 1st-year (0.00% annually)
0% vests in the 2nd-year (0.00% annually)
100% vests in the 3rd-year (100.00% annually)
You may choose one of five combinations of Restricted Stock Units (RSUs) and employee stock options for your award.
YR 1
YR 2
YR 3
At 3M, RSU + Options are subject to a 3-year vesting schedule:
33.3% vests in the 1st-year (33.30% annually)
33.3% vests in the 2nd-year (33.30% annually)
33.3% vests in the 3rd-year (33.30% annually)
You may choose one of five combinations of Restricted Stock Units (RSUs) and employee stock options for your award.