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realtor.com Salaries

realtor.com's salary ranges from $50,248 in total compensation per year for a Customer Service at the low-end to $349,249 for a Software Engineer at the high-end. Levels.fyi collects anonymous and verified salaries from current and former employees of realtor.com. Last updated: 2/15/2025


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Software Engineer
T1 $115K
T2 $152K
T3 $200K
T4 $223K
T5 $349K

Entering the job search

I have been working for the same company for 6 years. 30 years old. Base comp 112k, told that I should be Senior engineer level.
I am confident in my skills as an engineer but absolutely terrified of getting out there. I feel uncertain on my resume, my interviewing skills. Huge amount of imposter syndrome with trying to look for another job.


57 24
57 24
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The highest paying role reported at realtor.com is Software Engineer at the T5 level with a yearly total compensation of $349,249. This includes base salary as well as any potential stock compensation and bonuses.
The median yearly total compensation reported at realtor.com is $191,963.

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