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December Welcome + Market Update ❄️

New December members -- Welcome!

Last month marked the beginning of the tech winter we’ve all been bracing for. 🌬🥶

Between the the avalanche of layoff announcements at Amazon, Meta, Twitter, and most recently CNN and DoorDash, to the recent collapse of billion dollar cryptocurrency exchange, FTX, we’ve been slammed with bad tech news for weeks. Our team has been working diligently to help members in the community by updating our job board daily and bringing new features to the site to improve performance and your overall experience. On top of that, we’ll be hosting another Recruiter AMA this month so stay tuned for more information on Monday. In the meantime, keep posting your questions, sharing advice and other opportunities to keep everyone’s spirits high. We’re going to get through this! 💪🏽

Now on to the market outlook.

Inflation has remained stubbornly high during 2022. This has been partly due to high energy costs caused by the Russia-Ukraine war and cost pressure generated by pent-up demand due to lockdowns abroad. Inflation should be on a downward trend across the globe over the next few months as supply chain bottlenecks continue to ease. The demand for goods and services is still high which is a great sign for businesses heading into the holiday season and from reports we’ve seen, companies like Amazon, Adobe, and Salesforce are reporting record sales during the first major holiday weekend. 📈

Despite the good news on consumer spending, we expect companies to implement further cost cutting measures as markets stabilize. During the pandemic, companies over hired and paid a premium for talent. With so much of that talent now back in the candidate pool, we expect salary figures to dip across the board making it increasingly more difficult to negotiate increases. Until things clear up and confidence is restored, candidates are encouraged to negotiate with moderate to low expectations. 😬

For those of you looking for new job opportunities, keep an eye on our job board and other roles that get posted in the community by other members. You can visit our job board here. If you’re a student looking for an internship, visit our internship page here. If you're a recruiter, feel free to submit any open roles so we can promote!

And finally, send us product ideas or feedback at! We’d love to hear from you!

Download our app now on the iOS App Store or Google Play Store!

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geabbTechnical Program Manager  
Green jobs! There's a ton of work and momentum happening to address climate change. Two job boards I posted about below if you haven't seen them yet! 🌳 🌎 There is also a tech and data focused job board here: Original thread-
ogy63mapeiFull-Stack Software Engineer  




