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Software Engineer Intern

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Housing, Transportation, Tags
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Summer 2022
Chicago, IL
$33.00 / hr
$5,720 / mo

Corporate housing, Company Provided transportation

Not Open
Summer 2022
$30.00 / hr
$5,200 / mo

Provided with a really awesome setup

Summer 2021
Chicago, IL
$40.00 / hr
$6,933 / mo

Corporate housing, Company Provided transportation, free food, free office setup! 4 rounds of hard interviews.

Summer 2021
$40.00 / hr
$6,933 / mo

Corporate housing

Summer 2020
Chicago, IL
$25.00 / hr
$4,333 / mo

Corporate Housing housing,N/A transportation,Housing was kind of vague. They said they gave stipends last year but were moving away from that after feedback from interns. So, they might or might not be offering a stipend for next summer. They are for sure offering corporate housing though.

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