All Intern Salaries


Software Engineer Intern

Software Engineer Intern

Summer 2024

$58.00 / hr

San Francisco, CA – $5,650 Housing, $200 reimbursement for phone/internet

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Season / Year
Hourly Salary
Monthly Salary
Housing, Transportation, Tags
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Summer 2024
San Francisco, CA
$58.00 / hr
$10,053 / mo

Undergrad (Junior)

$5,650 Housing, $200 reimbursement for phone/internet

Not Open
Summer 2024
Los Angeles, CA
$58.00 / hr
$10,053 / mo

Undergrad (Junior)

$5,600 Housing

Summer 2024
Bellevue, WA
$58.00 / hr
$10,053 / mo

Undergrad (Junior)

$5,650 Housing, free lunch, 200/mo phone and internet

Summer 2024
Toronto, Canada
$36.37 / hr
$6,304 / mo

Undergrad (Junior)

$1,181 / mo housing, $365 WFH stipend

Summer 2023
San Francisco, CA
$58.00 / hr
$10,053 / mo

Undergrad (Junior)

$5,600 housing

Summer 2023
Bellevue, WA
$58.00 / hr
$10,053 / mo

Undergrad (Junior)

$5,600 lump sum housing, free lunch

Summer 2023
Vancouver, Canada
$38.00 / hr
$6,587 / mo

Undergrad (Junior)

$800 equipment stipend

Summer 2022
San Francisco, CA
$57.00 / hr
$9,880 / mo

$8,000 lumpsum housing, $275 transportation, $200 per month for phone

Summer 2022
San Jose, CA
$55.00 / hr
$9,533 / mo

$5,650 lumpsum after taxes for living expense overal.

Summer 2022
Seattle, WA
$55.00 / hr
$9,533 / mo

$1,000 one-time stipend after taxes

Summer 2022
$55.00 / hr
$9,533 / mo

$1,000 housing, Company Provided relocation, Other Perks: Remote, with $1,000 work from home stipend

Summer 2022
Toronto, Canada
$34.35 / hr
$5,954 / mo

$1,150 housing, $300 CAD for Mobile and wifi. Lunch 3 times a week

Summer 2021
San Francisco, CA
$57.00 / hr
$9,880 / mo

$275 transportation, $200 for Phone and Internet

Not Open
Summer 2021
San Jose, CA
$57.00 / hr
$9,880 / mo
Summer 2021
Bellevue, WA
$57.00 / hr
$9,880 / mo
Summer 2020
San Jose, CA
$55.00 / hr
$9,533 / mo

No housing, no transportation

Summer 2020
Bellevue, WA
$55.00 / hr
$9,533 / mo

No housing, no transportation

Summer 2020
Seattle, WA
$55.00 / hr
$9,533 / mo
Summer 2019
San Francisco, CA
$53.00 / hr
$9,187 / mo

No housing

Summer 2019
San Jose, CA
$55.00 / hr
$9,533 / mo

No housing, no transportation

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