All Intern Salaries


Hardware Engineer Intern

Hardware Engineer Intern

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Summer 2022
Sunnyvale, CA
$54.81 / hr
$9,500 / mo

$3,500 housing, Company Provided transportation+ $260 / mo on Ride Share app/Clipper Card, Company Provided relocation, $750 in total wellness reimbursement, $350 bike reimbursement, free breakfast, lunch and dinner, on-side gym, discounted oculus products, discounts on car rental, travel and some brands.

Not Open
Summer 2022
Cork, Ireland
$30.26 / hr
$4,841 / mo
Fall 2021
Sunnyvale, CA
$47.31 / hr
$8,200 / mo

$3,000 housing

Summer 2021
Austin, TX
$38.42 / hr
$6,659 / mo

$1,000 housing

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