vGdq91ndqK in  
Software Engineer  

How to be a Great Software Engineering Manager? P2

Hey, junior swe with aspirations to be engineering manager one day. I posted something a while back and wanted to follow up about what happened in a convo I had with a more senior person on my team.

I asked someone I work with if they'd be open to mentoring me and help me be a software engineering manager. The reason I think it's a fit is because 1) I enjoy helping and working with people, 2) I am a "roll me sleeves up" kind of person, and 3) the comp is nice lol.

One of the things they offered was mentoring an intern. I thought that was a great idea so I'm waiting to see how things pan out for the Fall. I'm pumped! Thank you guys for the tips.

Curious how you build relationships on the team and across the org. I dont do politics. Can we all just get along and work towards a goal we agree on?

original thread in case others are in a similar path:

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beakln82NJLeadership Recruiter  
If you find yourself leading a team, you might suddenly be the boss of people you used to be on equal terms with. That’s a tricky situation that can be difficult to manage if you dont already have a relationship with them. I think you need to balance "professional" time with "personal" time. Professional time would be interacting regularly on projects directly related to work. You get a feel for how they think, you can build synergy and discover areas where you clash. Personal time would be like discovering you have similar fandoms and being able to bond over non work stuff. Gotta be careful how much you want to share obvi, but it's a way to build friendship which will help when you guys need to support each other on projects.




