Facebook RPM Program

Rotational programs are a great way to jumpstart your career. Here's an inside look at FB's program.

Getting into Facebook’s RPM Program can be an incredible way to jumpstart an exciting career. But, if you want to succeed, you will need to dig deep and commit to tenacious interview preparation.

While the interview process may be tough, don’t get discouraged. Levels.fyi is here to support you every step of the way. Follow this guide to set yourself apart from other candidates and set yourself up for success.

What is the Facebook RPM Program?

Facebook RPM (Rotational Product Manager) is a rotational 18-month program, during which you get to work within 3 different product teams in Facebook. The aim of each of the 3 rotations is to provide you with a broader exposure to various product areas.

The goal of the Facebook RPM program is to train you to become a full-fledged product manager. If you do well, you can expect to get a full-time position at Facebook. It is incredibly tough to break into Facebook’s program management field, and the RPM program allows you to do so with its extensive coaching, support, and exposure to meaningful projects.

Facebook RPM Program Overview

Program Basics

The RPM program consists of the following parts, adding up to 18 months in total:

  • Product bootcamp training - 1 month
  • Three rotations within different product teams - ~16 months
  • Global research trip - 2 weeks

During the product team rotations, you might work on new product strategies, product roadmaps, metric selection, product design, and more.

Who Can Apply?

The RPM program is meant for entry-level program managers. This means that any candidates who are early in their careers are welcome to apply: whether you are a new graduate or have just a few years of experience.

Facebook is willing to accept applications from candidates from a variety of backgrounds. You don’t have to have a tech or PM background.

RPM Program Locations

The main locations for the RPM program include the following Facebook offices:

  • Menlo Park, California (headquarters)
  • New York City, New York
  • Seattle, Washington
  • London, United Kingdom

The specific location for a new RPM hire is influenced by their experience level. For example, new graduates are most likely to be invited to Facebook headquarters in Menlo Park, while more experienced applicants will be placed at one of the other locations.

RPM Program Perks

The RPM program at Facebook offers a range of benefits, which make it so compelling (and, hence, competitive) to apply:

  • Jumpstart for tech/PM career. Facebook welcomes entry-level candidates from various backgrounds and exposes them to high-impact projects with an opportunity to stay with Facebook full-time after the end of the program. It is a great launching pad to break into the tech/PM field.
  • Research trip and community events. At the end of the program, you are going to travel abroad for a 2-week research trip. This provides a great opportunity to explore something new for free. In addition, there are a variety of community events organized for new RPMs and RPM alumni over the course of the program.
  • Six-figure salary. You can expect to be making anywhere between $110k and $130k, depending on the location you work in. Visit Levels.fyi to explore and compare the compensation offered by Facebook and other tech giants.
  • The network. During the program, you will be paired with 4 PM mentors (your main manager and a mentor for each of the 3 projects you will be working on). You will also get to meet other RPMs and build connections within various Facebook teams.

Now that we’ve covered the basics of the Facebook RPM program, let’s take a look at what you can do to get in.

What Does the Interview Process Look Like?

The interview and application process for the RPM program is quite similar to the process for other PM roles at Facebook.

Interview Rounds

The time between your initial application and the final offer usually ranges between 4 and 8 weeks.

After your application is accepted, you can expect to be invited to the following interview rounds

  • First round: HR phone screen (20 minutes)
  • Second round: 2 Product Manager video call interviews
    • Product Sense interview (45 minutes)
    • Execution interview (45 minutes)
  • Third round: 3 on-site interview
    • Product Sense interview (45 minutes)
    • Execution interview (45 minutes)
    • Leadership and Drive interview (45 minutes)

After all the interview rounds are complete, interviewers will submit hiring recommendations, and a hiring committee will make the final decision. Once you receive the offer, you can leverage salary negotiation service from Levels.fyi to make sure you receive the best compensation package possible.

Types of Interviews

Throughout the second and third rounds of interviews, you will face 3 different interview types specific to the Facebook RPM program:

1. Product Sense

This interview is meant to test whether you can turn an ambitious problem space into a great final product. The interview takes the form of a single very deep hypothetical question like “what would you build for x” and corresponding follow-up questions to better understand your thought process.

Example questions:

  • How would you improve Facebook groups?
  • Design a product to help users find a doctor on Facebook.
  • How would you monetize Facebook messenger/marketplace?
  • What should Facebook do next?
  • Should Facebook enter the dating/jobs market?

2. Execution

The Execution interview will test your ability to think as a Facebook PM. You will need to figure out the right metric to track, evaluate different trade-offs, remove roadblocks for your team, and more. The main goal of this interview is to assess whether you can take tactical actions on a daily basis to develop your product vision.

Example questions:

  • Imagine that you are a PM for Facebook posts. What reactions would you add next?
  • Imagine that you are the PM for Facebook newsfeed. How would you rank posts?
  • Facebook ads revenue dropped 20% - what would you do?
  • How would you measure success and set goals for Instagram stories?
  • How would you measure success and set goals for Facebook live?

3. Leadership and Drive

Finally, the Leadership and Drive interview consists of 4-5 behavioural questions aimed to determine whether you can effectively inspire and lead a product team, facilitate communication, and deal with conflicts.

Example questions:

  • Why Facebook?
  • What's a good PM or a bad PM?
  • What’s your biggest accomplishment?
  • Tell me about a time you managed a conflict or disagreement within a team.
  • Tell me about a product you led from idea to launch.

Facebook RPM Program Interview Preparation Tips

Once you know what types of interviews and questions to expect, the key to success is the right preparation. Here are a few tips that can help you get an offer from Facebook:

  • Review product management fundamentals. It is important to brush up on product management basics. To expand your PM knowledge, you can leverage free online resources or review PM books like The Lean Product Playbook by Dan Olsen.
  • Research the products/organization. You can’t become a Facebook RPM without being very familiar with the company, its products, and organization. Do your homework before the interviews. You can start by reviewing Facebook’s own annual reports and strategy presentations.
  • Learn a consistent method for answering interview questions. At RPM interviews, Facebook will ask you several different types of questions. You can build strong interview habits, reduce stress, and make a better impression by following a pre-defined method for answering each type of question. For example, behavioural questions are best answered with a STAR method. Other great resources are Decode and Conquer by Lewis Lin or Cracking the PM Interview by Gail Laakmann McDowell and Jackie Bavaro.
  • Practice, practice, practice. Practicing and going through sample questions is an effective way to prepare for Facebook RPM interviews. Once you learn a method for answering interview questions, practice the step-by-step approach by answering questions out loud alone or with a peer. If you know any experienced PM interviewers, ask them to help you out, as they can give you more accurate feedback than peers or friends.

Level Up Your Salary Negotiation Skills with Levels.fyi

If you think that the Facebook RPM program might be right for you, don’t let the complex application and interview process intimidate you.

With a good amount of preparation and sufficient determination, you can be sure to ace the interview process and receive a much-desired job offer. Remember that each offer is meant to be negotiated, and a great way to level up your negotiation skills is to use salary negotiation services from Levels.fyi.

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