iampratikthorat in  
Computer Science at Northeastern University 

How do I start looking for coops and what shall do to upskill myself as a front-end/fullstack developer?

I am a graduate student at Northeastern University Boston, MA currently enrolled in the Master of Science in Information Systems program.

According to the policies at my graduate school I will not be eligible to apply until February 2023.

However, I want to be ahead of the curve and I intend to upskill myself and upgrade my resume/linkedin profile.

Furthermore, I would also want to start listing organisations that hire for roles of my interest(FrontEnd/Fullstack/SDE)

I am pretty much all over the place and overwhelmed since I am clueless as to how shall I approach and what shall I do November through February so I can be ready.

Also, I want to be a good engineer not just a developer so what are the skills that will highlight me over the immensly talented folks out there?

Thank you for your patient reading.

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KaraTopSoftware Engineer  
There’s a good process I saw someone share-

1) think about your best day at work. What are you doing? Where are you working? What’s your life look like? This will help you get an idea of where you want to be and the kind of culture you want to be part of.

2) what are some projects you’ve already worked on that you’d like to dive deeper in? To take your skills to the next level, consider competing in hackathons and try to WIN. There’s no better way to stand out than to say you successfully built a thing and beat out the competition

3) network like mad. Be ACTIVE in forums and post often. LinkedIn gives you the ability to follow other professionals so take advantage of that feature. Follow as many people as possible that fit the kind of work and professional perspective that you share. That way your feed is curated to grow the kind of network that you love.
iampratikthoratComputer Science  
Thank you so much for your advice. I will incorporate these. As for being active on forums, does stackoverflow count? I've been answering a few questions related to my domain there for fun and learning things but if it helps me get noticed, I may do it with higher intensity




