Raghav Rudhra in  
Full Stack  

Sus Job Offer

Location: Toronto, ON.

I am a up and coming software engineer with two years of full stack experience. I have given a fair share of interviews for various types of niches within the tech industry but never in my life have i received a job offer without even giving a technical interview.

I was offered a role for Software Engineer after a 10 minute phone interview comprising of mere 3 questions.

What is a software Engineer?

How much experience do i have?

Why should we hire you?

The offer letter was given to me the same day as this interview and next day i'm getting email about the setup process (its a remote offer).

The most crazy part of this is that i didn't even discuss a salary which is already been decided and sent to me in the job offer letter. The company seems legit but i cant seem to find the Recruiter on LinkedIn, which could totally be a me thing.

The role description in the job offer seems vague enough for a Software engineer role but i have had no meeting with the team or even a potential technical person vetting me.

Am i just being paranoid or this is really sus?

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I’ve a friend who got similar experience. I can’t say for sure but it is usually a scam. They probably will want you to provide personal information and even ask you to send in money for all sorts of reasons. Just the personal information piece is valuable enough for them. It’s easy nowadays to assume another company’s identity. I would say although it is tough time, steer away from it :)
madscienceSoftware Engineer  
Yeah this is almost assuredly a scam of some sort. I would be incredibly hesitant to give them any sort of personal information. I would ask more probing question, ask the recruiter or the HM for their linkedin profiles, try to find other employees of the company on LinkedIn. If you feel like it's a scam, ASK QUESTIONS



Software Engineer

