Sus Job Offer
Location: Toronto, ON.
I am a up and coming software engineer with two years of full stack experience. I have given a fair share of interviews for various types of niches within the tech industry but never in my life have i received a job offer without even giving a technical interview.
I was offered a role for Software Engineer after a 10 minute phone interview comprising of mere 3 questions.
What is a software Engineer?
How much experience do i have?
Why should we hire you?
The offer letter was given to me the same day as this interview and next day i'm getting email about the setup process (its a remote offer).
The most crazy part of this is that i didn't even discuss a salary which is already been decided and sent to me in the job offer letter. The company seems legit but i cant seem to find the Recruiter on LinkedIn, which could totally be a me thing.
The role description in the job offer seems vague enough for a Software engineer role but i have had no meeting with the team or even a potential technical person vetting me.
Am i just being paranoid or this is really sus?