chatgptboy in  
Software Engineer  

How to get to Blizzard?

Hey there!
I work in gamedev for 7 years, using Unity/C#. I have experience in gameplay, UI, profiling/optimization, client-server, tooling. I also play WoW for almost 15 years and I want to work on it.
But the problem is that I both dont have a USA work permit and a degree (only a high school diploma).
The question is: should I focus on earning enough money to get any online associate/bachelor degree in CS in some cheap university, or should I focus on some hard skills to get 100% buzzword fit on any Blizzard position? Or what?
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3jdxsj5k2Software Engineer  
I’m sure it’s been said several times over but remember: liking coffee and hanging out at coffee shops doesn’t mean you’ll enjoy cleaning bathrooms at the coffee shop. The game industry is notorious for chewing through talent because there’s long line of people waiting to sacrifice their own health and well being just behind you.
chatgptboySoftware Engineer  
Yeah, of course, but, actually, I’m already in gamedev for many years :)




