dmahns in  
Software Engineer  

How much should an early startup be paying me?

Hey everyone! Im talking with a startup that is in very early stages currently. They are finalizing an accelerator application and wanting to bring me on in the lead technical role. In my last conversation with the founder, he said he is thinking of paying me on an hourly basis and then also on a project base, then salary once they have more funding to build out the team.

My question to you guys is (generally of course) how much should I be asking for from a startup in this position as far as hourly wages go? The time commitment is seemingly 20-30 hours per week and I am fresh out of school and so is everyone running the company.

Thank you innadvance and I am happy to clarify anything best I can. 
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Mfoj9173iMobile Software Engineer  
Did the founders say if they are paying themselves?




