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Is it an offense to copy a product’s UI design?

Hi everyone, I am building a product and I can't afford to purchase a UI design or hire a UI designer, but I found a product that does the same thing as the product I am building and they have a beautiful UI that I think I can gain UI inspiration from, but I am scared after launching my product the product I am copying their UI might sue me for copying their UI, but it actually not a complete duplicate of their UI I'm just using their UI for layout and design inspirations but some things might look very obvious that I copied it from them

The product I am copying is paid and my own product too will be paid
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deadpool0745Computer Science  
As long as it’s not an exact copy it should be fine. Many UX designers also take inspiration from other companies and implement few designs into their own product as well. It should be totally fine.
0x70736575646FFull Stack  
Okay thanks




