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📢 Exclusive: End of Year Pay Report 2023

Hey everyone!

Unsurprisingly, 2023 got off to a slow start for hiring and salaries but the second half of the year offers some promising trends that have us optimistic as we head into 2024. Despite a few big name companies going through additional rounds of layoffs late in the year, we’re still seeing compensation increases relative to the first half of the year and even comparatively to last year.

Similar to last year, we’ve been continuing to make improvements to the report and add in more interesting insights we think you’ll find helpful in your career journey. We’re excited to include additional job titles like Data Scientist and a ton of other great insights, including from our negotiation coaching service!

Let us know your thoughts on the report below. And thank you for all your support over the past year, it’s been incredible to see this community grow!

PS: As a thanks for engaging with us and our community, we always release these types of reports for you first! Current access is for community users exclusively. We’ll start rolling out links on the site and our mailing list over the course of today.

End of Year Pay Report 2023

End of Year Pay Report 2023

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JacknifeSoftware Engineer  
Those negotiation stats are crazy, who the heck got a $400k increase in this market?? Well done Levels!
Yup! We can't reveal company name but this happened just in the last month!




