badbadnotgood in  
Data Science  

1 YOE w/ MS in DS what should I expect for TC from first job


This is my first post on levels so lets see how this goes. 
Im about to graduate with a MS in DS and i have a BS in CS. i have worked a 2 1yr long part time data science roles(so i say combined is ab a years worth of full time experience as i worked 20-30hrs a week). I was wondering what i should expect from my first job in terms of TC?
I have 1 offer currently for 70 and i would have to relocate to an expensive city which would really eat into my pay as rent is sky high. Does this compensation sound fair?
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bn1972Computer Science  
70K for a entry level data science/analytics role after a BS seems reasonable, less so after an MS in a HCOL area

I know the economy is tough rn, but I would advise continuing the job search!



Data Scientist

