SJabc2023 in  
Program Manager  

Switching from non technical to a technical PgM


Sorry if this is a vague/broad question. I have been a Marketing Program manager for the last 6 years in SaaS startups, Google Cloud, Google devices side, and now in Reality Labs in Meta. Based on this experience, I would like to move to a Technical PgM role, but wondering how I can make this happen. Which area should I focus on? Technology? Company size etc?

Would love to hear any thoughts/inputs?

Thank you.

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wopDIr6ht2WLMt3WpETechnical Program Manager  
Amazon won’t care about your past titles, as long as you can show technical competence. But it may be easier to transition in your current company, find out how to apply for a tpm role, particularly within your org so your manager can help recommend you, and see if there’s a technical assessment you can take to qualify you ahead of time.
SJabc2023Program Manager  
Thank you. I am a contractor currently. So that option might be closed. If I have to look at options outside, is there any specific area you think I should try getting into and any courses or certifications that can help?



Technical Program Manager

