L0u42DDi in  
Software Engineer at Hulu 

Are they cutting Parental Leave at your company?

This is really a bad look all around man. Like how much do these boards care about the employees who make them rich? It's a slap in the face to go from 20 weeks to just 8 here at Hulu. Gotta keep the lights on i guess.

"A growing number of companies are slashing the enhanced parental leave that they rolled out during the pandemic, as they seek to trim costs ahead of a possible recession and to reassert pre-COVID norms. Only 35% of employers now offer paid maternity leave beyond what is required by law, down from 53% in 2020, according to the Society for Human Resource Management. Meanwhile, the share of employers offering paid paternity time leave has dropped from 44% in 2020 to 27% today."

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breezySoftware Engineer  
Wow that’s actually terrible. Is it different between maternal and paternal?




