19g615kva8habf in  
Software Engineering Manager  

Companies with TC over 650k for E6?

I recently got a refresh at Meta that brings my comp to about 700k (at current stock price), but I've been here for a couple years and thinking about trying something new. Could be a nice opportunity to get in at a good valuation.

After replying to a few LinkedIn recruiters that reached out, it seems that 650-750k TC is out of reach for most staff level positions.

Where can I apply that will be able to at least match my current comp package?

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19g615l1bajprvSoftware Engineer  
Sorry for small derailing. How's work-life balance as an E6 at Meta?
19g615kva8habfSoftware Engineering Manager  
It is fine however i think it is easier if you are promoted from within vs. join at e6. It is difficult for a new hire at e6 to get enough scope for MA within 1 half. The bar is higher than most think.



Software Engineer

