19g615l1dw0huz in  
Technical Program Manager  

AWS Interview TPM to PMT

Hey all,

Looking for some guidance on this subject. I recently completed the interview loop with AWS for an L6 TPM role and received the follow-up that I did really well on function and leadership principle competencies. The team felt that my technical competency was a bit weak and would like me to interview for a PMT role with the group director the following week which they will schedule. It's been relatively quiet over the past 4 days.

Is this normal, should I be hopeful or move on?

I am really trying to transition into Tech and am hoping this one comes through.

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MetamanTechnical Program Manager at Facebook 
This is a good sign. It means That during the interview debrief, The interview committee had mostly good signal but they did not get enough good signal in one of the interview rounds that was probing your technical depth.

TPM == technical Program manager and PMT == Product Manager Technical?
19g615l1dw0huzTechnical Program Manager  
Thank you, Metaman. Yes correct, I interviewed for TPM (Technical Program Manager) role but they would like me to have a conversation for a Product Manager Technical role, probably because I gave more examples from my PM (Product Management) role.



Technical Program Manager

