dylanplattner in
Trying to get into CS
what advice would you give an incoming college freshman who wants to go down the cs route but doesn't have any prior experience? I know I'm still young, but cs feels like a career where people know they've wanted to do it for a while, and by extension have considerable knowledge by the time they reach university. I fear I'm already behind the curve and won't be able to catch up.
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this was fantastic. Thank you so much.
I tell people this advice all the time.
The difference between what you will know at graduation and what you will know about two years into your first role is about 100x. I’m serious. It’s the time in your life that you’ll learn the most.
You’re at college. The equivalent perspective is the kindergartners who go to school knowing how to read. Do they have an advantage? Yes. Will they *keep* that advantage? Only if they continue to press extremely hard. The vast majority of people won’t. By the end of the first year you’ll all be equivalent except for the literal rock stars of the group and you never would have caught them anyway. Just focus on improving yourself the best way you know how every day.
If you live your life in comparison to everyone else, you’ll be absolutely miserable. There will quite literally always be someone better than you at anything you want to try to look at, unless you somehow happen to be the best in 7 billion humans at the thing right now, and I like my odds of being correct.