19g615l16wq7ss in  
Frontend Software Engineer  

Microsoft Codility online test

Hey everyone, anyone that currently works or has worked or has done a Codility online test for Microsoft. What type of questions did you get and how did you prepare ? And what was that outcome ?
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OpusCrescendumSoftware Engineer at Microsoft 
These are Microsoft’s most common question topics:

Linked lists
Dynamic programming
Bit manipulation
Binary trees
Search/ Sort
Operating systems questions
Computer Networks

Don’t leave q’s blank and manage your time. Test is all about coding under pressure so practice getting as efficient as possible. You get 60 or 90 min. Practice leetcode easy, med, and hard because you might get a mix of all three. So many ppl underestimate the assessment but it’s a screening for a reason.
19g615l16wq7ssFrontend Software Engineer  
Nice, thank you so much for the info. I’m self taught and trying to break into the industry as a junior so this is pretty big deal for me. I submitted an application straight through the careers site and I received the email a couple weeks later saying I have to take it by 6/26. Is this common ? I’ve seen a lot of people say they had a phone interview before the codility test.



Software Engineer

