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Backend Software Engineer  

Share your experience (SDE): Staying at same company vs moving around

As a SDE/SDM we have ample opportunities to stay and thrive/relax at the same company vs moving around. How do you guys feel about it ? I think in the long term there might not be much difference in total earnings(might be wrong).

Can you guys share your experience and regrets.
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ghdXa241Software Engineer  
I've been at the same shop for ~4 years and the pace is great. I may be in the minority though because our company is only 6 ppl and we outsource work when needed. We dont want a big team. Some ppl like that though. No one is busting my chops to fill 40hrs of work with 10 diff projects. It's quality over quantity and I have a great relationship with the president. Thought about leaving for a job at Chase, big bucks, fast lifestyle in the city, but I like the burbs and working from home is sweet. I make enough to do what I want so no complaints.




