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Computer Vision/Machine Learning Consulting - What to charge?
Hello everybody! I am a PhD candidate in computer science, with a focus in CV/ML. I was recently invited to give a "lunch and learn" talk at a large scale engineering/manufacturing company in Reno, NV.
The engineering team thoroughly enjoyed my talk and has started contacting me about doing some consulting work for them. The project would be something along the lines of performing object detection and identifying object location for a robot arm.
I have ~1 year left to wrap up my dissertation, so I only have 10 hours that I could spend on the project per week. I have no internships/work experience, so I think that this could be a very important opportunity for my resume.
I have two questions: How should I request the employment be carried out and how much should I charge?
Any thoughts are greatly appreciated!
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duffycolaMachine Learning Engineer
Since you‘re an expert in your field, pick a competitive hourly freelancing rate and offer 10h/week availability. One rule of thumb (in Europe) would be to take desired yearly salary and divide by 1000, i.e. 150k gross/yearly equals 150/h freelance.
Thanks a million for the advice! I appreciate your input.