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Product Manager  

Negotiating Internal Transfer

My boss approached me about a new role within the company that I currently work at. I’ve been with the company for just over 1 year and performed at a pretty high level. On Friday, my boss offered me a PM role with a team that is responsible for more revenue, more growth, and better engineers.

When I spoke to my mentor about it, his first question was “is it a promotion or is it just more work”… I couldn’t really answer that question, but I want to parlay this into more money. Any tips on how I should approach the next conversation to ensure I optimize my comp in the transition?

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mcL83uWYrVQFW8fBqMProduct Manager  
How big is your company? Are you a PM already ?

Usually inter company moves within same job family don’t come with salary bumps unless your boss makes a case that you are underpaid during performance review cycles.




