19g6xkw1caynf in  
Technical Program Manager  

How do I respond to Playco?

A recruiter from Playco reached out about a Product Engineering role. This skeezed me out because:

  • I haven’t been an Eng in some time (TPM)
  • that’s obvious from my LI profile
  • Reviews suggest this place is a shitshow
  • they used ‘unicorn’ in the email

What is the deal with this place? It seems like it has changed names a bunch of times and has a high churn rate.

Should I even bother responding?

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kitkateProduct Manager  
Sounds like you answered the question yourself... no need to respond. People ghost recruiters all the time. In fact, recruiters ghost people all the time too.
19g6xkw1caynfTechnical Program Manager  
Fair enough. Was also hoping for anecdotal info from the community about Playco that I could use to supplement the scant reviews I’ve seen. Have you heard anything about Playco?




