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Best career advice needed urgently

Hi Levels.fyi community,
I have four and half years gap, 3 years gap in education and 1 and half year gap after graduation, I have done two unpaid internships both for three months separately after graduation, internships was in Human Resources and mortgage and real estate consultancy but unfortunately those internships were not counted in my previous experience but right now I am again doing unpaid internship in Robotic Process Automation Development using UiPath and Automation Anywhere tools from a big company but I am not sure whether I would be able to become permanent employee here because its permanency starts with when a new project comes in and assigned to an intern, so basically I have three issues here, first of all, despite being a $460million dollar+ company, there are not paying anything to interns and secondly as it is not guaranteed to get a job there because it totally depends on clients and projects if those comes in, and thirdly, my career gap, 
"what should I do right now to move towards best career with competitive pay like mentioned by employees annonymously on Levels.fyi?" 
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What's the job/career goal? What's your educational skills? You mention HR, then Robotics. Not in the same field although either has jobs. 1. Pay. Stop with the internships and find real paying jobs. Easy. 2. Career gap. Unless you network and find a personal connection in, you simply think of a good excuse. I was taking care of a sick family member and leave it at that. 3. Even Amazon has returneeships for people out of work for a few years, so I'm sure there's companies willing to hire.




