19g618l2lpy1vs in  
Product Designer  

Stay or leave Meta?

Been at Meta for two years as an IC5 Product Designer. Overall, I'm enjoying my role but feel that performance reviews and promotions are out of reach due to my team. (I'm sure I could also push harder, but most likely won't see a ton of "impact" without switching teams.)

I have a couple of options on the table where I could make more by leaving the company. Anyone else been in this situation? What would make you decide to leave vs. stay at Meta?

(TC $300k)
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MetamanTechnical Program Manager at Facebook 
Meta is one of the only companies out there that actually pays for performance, refreshers are generally strong, and pay is formulaic.

You can certainly get higher offers if you leave the company given the stock price today, but consider looking into internal opportunities that provide the right growth opportunities and impact.

If you’re optimizing for $$ in the short term, leaving Meta is your best bet.

Source: current manager of IC4-IC7s and spent 6+ years at 2 FAANG companies.

19g618l2lpy1vsProduct Designer  
That’s good to know. I have been on the same team for the last two years. Love my team but know that the situation isn’t providing growth/impact.

There is potential long-term opportunity, but I’m a high achiever and I’m impatient.

Appreciate this take.



Product Designer

