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Google Intern Conversion

I interned at Google in London a little over a year ago and finished with strong reviews. My work even led to authoring a paper with my intern host.

After my internship, I opted for conversion. My recruiter mentioned I wouldn’t need to reinterview and would be eligible for conversion until the end of 2024. However, since then, the process has stalled. I’ve only had one team match call, but the team wasn’t a good fit. My recruiter has been mostly unresponsive—I’ve reached out multiple times to confirm my eligibility for conversion, but I never get a clear response.

I’m not desperate for a job at Google, but I’d be open to returning full-time. I also recognize that hiring has slowed, which may limit the availability of roles.

My question is: at what point should I give up on converting? Should I keep following up with my recruiter, or is it worth reaching out to other teams directly?

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shafi1026Computer Science  
Hi there,
Can you please suggest me some effective tips and way to get internaship at big tech companies.I am also london based




