caribou in  
Software Engineer  

Corrupt file causes FAA to halt all flights

Sometimes I forget that society is pretty much held together by duct tape and prayers made by some software engineer who doesn't care enough to review or delete corrupt files that made its way onto prod.

You want to talk about impact as an engineer? Have you ever grounded all the planes in the US?

A corrupt file led to the FAA ground stoppage. It was also found in the backup system

A corrupt file led to the FAA ground stoppage. It was also found in the backup system

An FAA system outage caused massive delays and cancellations across the United States on Wednesday. Here's what happened, according to a source familiar with the Federal Aviation Administration operation.
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linuxftwSoftware Engineer  
"When air traffic control officials realized they had a computer issue late Tuesday, they came up with a plan, the source said, to reboot the system" Lmao, the way they solved it was by turning it off and then turning it on again 😂
TBirdSoftware Engineer  
It probably has worked for them before but eventually luck runs out.



Software Engineer

