ckphai in  
Software Engineer  

software Developer - looking for an advice to shift to software engineer position

I am working as a software developer at a service based company marking this my 7th year and I am not seeing growth at the current job. Also, the tech stack is so old that i can’t apply for a position outside. I have planned to learn dsa, LLD and HLD to upgrade my career from a developer to an engineer. Any thoughts on this and how I can better plan my career in the software field where we’re seeing rapid growth on a day to day basis lately in AI/ML space? Is it too late to start on my quest to learn DSA and design principles to become a software engineer ?
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madscienceSoftware Engineer  
It's definitely not too late at all and many DSA and Design Principles are skills that'll go a long way especially for senior software folks.



Software Engineer

