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Google "We Have No Moat, And Neither Does OpenAI"

Leaked Internal Google Document Claims Open Source AI Will Outcompete Google and OpenAI.

"We’ve done a lot of looking over our shoulders at OpenAI. Who will cross the next milestone? What will the next move be?

But the uncomfortable truth is, we aren’t positioned to win this arms race and neither is OpenAI. While we’ve been squabbling, a third faction has been quietly eating our lunch.

I’m talking, of course, about open source. Plainly put, they are lapping us. Things we consider “major open problems” are solved and in people’s hands today."

Google "We Have No Moat, And Neither Does OpenAI"

Google "We Have No Moat, And Neither Does OpenAI"

Leaked Internal Google Document Claims Open Source AI Will Outcompete Google and OpenAI
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rotisserieSoftware Engineer  
I don’t think this is true. The moat is the team being able to work hard and ship fast. So far OpenAI has been out-sprinting Google
MadEmployeeML / AI  
This is why Databricks is so awesome… they got like 5000 of their own employees to contribute to their own Dolly model, and then made it completely open-source… sure, it’s not SOTA, but imagine if Google had done that back when they first announced LaMDA almost 2 years ago…




