19g6xkw1caynf in  
Technical Program Manager  

Looking for a Job Search Coach

Advice would be appreciated from this community on job search coaching. I took some time off from the job market, now looking to get back in. I know it’s a rough time out there for a whole lot of folks.

should I start with revisiting my resume? Cold applying to big tech companies? Is there some type of job search coach you can hire to help you navigate options?

I feel like recruiters will just try to talk you into any available job.

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undertoneSoftware Engineer  
Would definitely start with your resume, which I think levels has coaching services for. From there, it’s all about getting your foot in the door to as many things as possible. Do you have any preference for company type or stage you’re looking for? Also what are the weights you’re prioritizing for each of the following: career growth, learning, compensation, team
19g6xkw1caynfTechnical Program Manager  
I would like to avoid the corporate politics of huge tech companies - it just seems like it's not worth the hassle anymore. I would love to join a startup to help them get their operations/product process off the ground. I could leverage my experience, build equity, and grow my career as the company grows.




