omarebeel in  

Stuck in mid-career

I've been at Apple for over 9 years. I grew fast the first 6 years, but then a burnout at the beginning of the pandemic, some (minor) conflicts in the team, and my team expanding outside of the US and downscaling in Cupertino, I got depressed and stuck.

Pair this with infinite reorgs, complete lack of direction, and my last 2 years have been real bad in terms of productivity and self-worth.

I am now trying real hard to get back on my feet, but I am not sure I know how to do it.

I report to a very senior manager that doesn't give me any direction, and I am not leading or even just..really working.. on any great project. I feel like I don't know how to do anything, my skills decreased instead of improving.

I've always worked with stuff around ML-Ops, I recently learnt Go and I am now studying Swift and even blockchain because why not.

However, I feel like I need serious help to get myself out of this situation.

Someone recommended a bootcamp, but I wonder if it's a good idea for an already high salaried mid-life eng. I thought bootcamps are good mostly for new grads or people willing to change career entirely.

I want to get back and work hard like I used to. But again, how???

Any help and recommendation would be more that appreciated.

Thank you!

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madscienceSoftware Engineer  
This is probably bordering more on psychological help than professional help. Sounds like you haven't been or are not currently finding value in the work you're doing and the motivation to keep going is low because of it. Something that helps me get out of these funks is a bit like what you're already doing. I know that I feel more productive and valuable if I can learn more skills, so you working on Go, Swift, and Blockchain may help you find that intrinsic motivation. I wouldn't say bootcamps are necessarily only for new grads or career changes, as they essentially teach you new skills which you can use professionally. If you're already pretty mid-career, you could still find other free resources to freshen up on things. Alternatively, working with your manager or other mentors to find projects and stuff that you're passionate about could help as well.




