TechGeek99 in
Software Engineer
Rejected at Meta after months of Preparation
Contacted by a recruiter at August for Production Engineer role and have been studying linux internals, system design, and coding since then.
Passed the screening at September and had my onsite at October.
Recruiter said the behavioral, coding, and systems
interviews went well but there was a big blocker on the design interview and I didn’t meet expectations.
I was asked a File Sharing P2P Question but wasn’t able to mention all tradeoffs and explain my choices. Apparently, I wasn’t prepared for the decentralization and P2P topics.
Recruiter said one year cool down period is only applicable for the same role, meaning that i can apply for SWE roles.
Totally depressed that all this efforts I put in went for nothing due to a single topic (which i intended to read about but didn’t have time)
I feel like i wasted a golden opportunity as it’s not easy to land a Meta interview again. (I’m a contractor at Microsoft and i needed the job)

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SPSTechnical Program Manager
Are there the list of high profile startups - any ref will be great help
Now you could apply for other roles at Meta, and can give it also a try to other FAANG companies.
Try high profile startups as well.
You have a great jumpstart with Meta interview preparation, keep momentum and continue interviewing!
Good luck!