Anchor in  
Mobile Software Engineer  

Do you guys have trading restrictions from being engineers?

Does your company restrict you from trading any stocks?

I'm in a finance company but like, I'm an engineer! I really don't have access to any info.

I didn't know it was a thing until I joined my current firm and I had to get out of some positions at a loss. I also can't day trade! Like I know I shouldn't be trading when I have work, but there are times when I don't have any tickets line up and I just want to make some money for groceries.

Oh well, at least I can do ETFs and large caps. I do miss day trading though.

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spickermannBackend Software Engineer  
In my company, there are several blackout periods per year in which we are not allowed to trade our company's stock. These periods are several weeks long and are around the times in which quarterly reports and big presentations are prepared. This does make sense because – even if you are involved in the process – you might hear rumors that might give you an advantage. But apart from that, there are no other restrictions especially not about trading other stock.
AnchorMobile Software Engineer  
ohh yes, blackout periods make sense. I totally forgot about being able to hear rumors as well. You don't have to go through any compliance when you trade other stocks, right?




