cleverio in  
Full-Stack Software Engineer  

Narrow specialisation or wide experience?

Hello, community!

I'm an undergraduate student, which has 1y+ experience in the web development, being a full-stack developer. I'm passionate about the many fields in computer science - deep learning, front-end development, back-end development, even DevOps is really interesting to me.

Recently, I've started learning Solidity for the more clear image of the web3, just for a sake of learning and expanding my knowledge beyond just web development. Does it ruin my image in the eyes of a recruiter, that I'm not deeply specialised in the certain field, but have rather a superficial knowledge in many of CS fields, and mid-specialised in the field I'm in.

Thank you in advance!

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NosamuellaSoftware Engineer  
Focus on one thing at a time and get proficient enough at it to see if it's right for you. If you keep dabbling, you'll never really grasp anything and just be mediocre.



Software Engineer

