M3xuYvvwnzWyktUmme in  
Machine Learning Engineer  

I (8 YOE) accepted a seemingly low-end offer from Meta, what's the best next play?


I've just accepted an IC5 SWE offer at Meta London, TC ~230k$ (8 yoe). According to levels.fyi, this is in the very bottom percentile. Despite rather good interviews, I came from a much much lower TC job (~95k$) and had no competing offers. I did 2 rounds of negotiation but it didn't change a ton (it was closer to 215-220k$).

Of course, I'm very happy I got in, and it's already a great salary etc., but being a human, I don't want to be in the lowest percentile for this job/place/level/YOE. My question is then: what's the best play (medium term) for me to optimize my compensation:

Should I try to work hard to get high ratings, aim for a promotion to E6 etc, or is it pointless to try to optimize with this starting TC instead of getting another job at a higher entry salary?

I mean working alright and finding another FAANG+ job, where I'd come with a competing offer and higher expectations.

Thanks all for your help!

PS: FYI the recruiters told me Levels' figures were very inaccurate (despite the large sample size and confidence their benchmark tool shows) and it was rather good for no competing offer.

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Software Engineer
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0 Years
Years exp
8 Years
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foozboSoftware Engineer  
You’re within band for ic5 London. Jumping yo 6 takes most people 2 years min after hiring, it’s a hard promotion. However assuming you can meet or exceed expectations, your tc will rise pretty quickly with annual refreshers. I recommend grinding for two years and seeing where you are at in terms of TC. At that point you’ll also have 2 years of meta on the resume and moving to a competitive firm should be straightforward for a bigger bump.

I started as an ic4 in New
York at 200k TC a few years back. I’ve gotten greatly exceeds or exceeds every review cycle. After 4 years I’m an ic5 and my tc is 600k this year.
ShinichiKutoFrontend Software Engineer  
I’m assuming your TC went up a lot due to the recent increase of the stock price, right? Do they actually give you more rsu or increase base pay? Thanks!




