zuhayeer in  
Founder at Levels.fyi 

Exclusive: Levels.fyi End of Year Pay Report 2022

UPDATE: We've added in new insights on remote trends, compensation discrepancies between 2021 and 2022, as well as filters for liquid vs illiquid companies. Check it all out at https://levels.fyi/2022/

Lot of ups and downs this year. As quickly as the market heated up at the beginning of this year, it has come to a stark cooldown by the end. Layoffs and hiring freezes punctuate the 4th quarter closing out the year with growing uncertainty for 2023.

Despite this, compensation has still generally increased relative to last year at the topmost companies and levels.

We have a bunch of firsts for this years report. We’re excited to include additional regions such as Europe and Asia. We also extended our top paying companies list to other growing titles outside of just software engineering. View the highest pay for engineering management, product management, product design, and hardware engineering. All for the first time ever.

Let us know your thoughts on the report below. And thank you for all your support over the past year, it’s been incredible to see this community grow!


PS: We haven’t yet released the report publicly. We’ll start rolling out links on the site over the course of today. But you all are the first to lay eyes on it as a part of the community! We plan to send our official communications to our mailing list and social media next week.

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madscienceSoftware Engineer  
Thanks for sharing this! Always interesting to see the year end roundup. I wonder if there's a correlation to be made between these top paying companies and the severance/layoffs. I think I saw Stripe on the list for every level and I know they offered one of the better severance packages during their layoffs.
flagrantfrog76Software Engineer  
…yeah, that would make sense lmao




