19g618l2gwwp1w in  
Software Engineering Manager  

Do you see any problem with having title of staff engineer but having 14 direct reports?

I have the title of staff engineer but I manage a team of 14 direct reports and now do managerial work 80% of the time. Should my title and salary be any different from that of a staff engineer? 
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qwertyCoderSoftware Engineer at Amazon 
14 direct reports is a lot. That said an IC / Staff engineer having direct reports is common and often the first step for IC's converting to managers at many of the top tech companies. It's a great way for IC's to test the waters of managerial responsibilities before an official change. They typically operate like this for 9-12 months before deciding whether to continue or going back to IC. Chat with your manager / skip about transitioning to management and where you're at. Assuming that something you're interested in?
19g618l2gwwp1wSoftware Engineering Manager  
I'm interested in being a manager but I'm being told that the title doesn't matter. Is there a difference between the staff engineer pay vs a manager pay? How do I know whether I should be changing my title to manager or senior manager given that my team is of 14 engineers?




