6ym891ukphg5xkq in
Software Engineer
Thoughts on the comapny-wide “recharge” time policy at Coinbase? The entire company is off together
Pretty interesting new time off policy where Coinbase will give 4 weeks of recharge time to the entire company. Approximately 1 week per quarter and its coordinated so that the entire compant is off at the same time so its more relaxing.
My thoughts are that people will still have to be on call though. The product wont just magically pause among users too. Strikes me as weird since it can only make a crisis that happens in that time worse.

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David KimProduct Manager
Wow, this is an extremely thoughtful policy.
RE: being on call, they address it plainly:
"We also know that, despite our best intentions, there are times when some employees need to work through a recharge week. When this happens, we do our best to make it up to them so they have dedicated time to recharge, too. We’re OK with this tradeoff — we prefer to implement a solution that regularly works for 90% of employees than to endlessly search for an elusive “perfect” solution."
Nobody is expecting operations to pause, but they've surely equipped themselves a set of processes and chain of command just in case anything catastrophic does arise.
My take: if an organization can't _plan_ for a crisis with folks being away for their own PTO or a company-wide recharge, I'm not as confident that it's truly ready for a crisis with people even being regularly available.
6ym891ukphg5xkqSoftware Engineer
True, good points. I respect an organization a lot more if they have structure to work through certain team members being missing. Higher redundancy / bus factors are commendable.