Connor Albert in  
Computer Science at Greely High School 

Best Colleges and Majors

Hey guys,

I am currently a high schooler who would love to eventually work as either a Quantitive Trader, Software Engineer, or Investment Banker. What career would you recommend, and for that career what major? Also out of Dartmouth, Middlebury, Carnegie Mellon, McGill, or U Toronto what would the top 3 colleges be?

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lugiaFinancial Analyst  
Okay, I'm technically in equity research, but the titles here are limited. Anyway. For finance, you can't go wrong with Wharton because that's where our lord and savior, Warren Buffet, attended. Have you considered Wharton? CMU is the most prestigious (for east coast folks) out of the listed ones. Also those three careers are all very different, esp software engineer and IB. IB is pretty much front office and you'll have to be face a lot of clients. The hours are intense. Depending on the firm, you might go up to 80+ hours. Just go for a finance degree but plan out your internships so you get to experience IB. Software Engineer - Popular degrees are comp sci/software engineering/math but most companies accept any sort of technical major. Quant - you might want to do finance/stat.
corpdegenFinancial Analyst  
+1 with above, for CS I think it matters much less where you go too. All of them are solid options either way, U Toronto alum prob some of the best eng I’ve worked with



Financial Analyst

