johnnyAnon in
Program Manager
Entrepreneur to Corporate job
Hi everyone,
I’ve been running my own e-commerce and tech services business in the UK since 2013, leading a team that includes four full-timers, two part-timers, and several freelancers. Our profit is around £400-500k yearly.
With a computer science degree and a knack for leadership, vision, and team building, I’ve picked up a wide range of skills along the way. Lately, I've been curious about what kind of salary and role I could land in a corporate job, given my entrepreneurial background.
I believe my skills could make a significant difference. Being an entrepreneur has its benefits and drawbacks. Although it's rewarding, I'm curious about how much more I could achieve and the broader impact I could have with the backing of a large corporation's resources. I'm open to relocating for a role where I can make the most meaningful contribution.
Would love to hear your thoughts or advice on this.

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alstein35Program Manager
I'm an entrepenuer now. I worked in the corporate world for 25 years, including at Google, Facebook, Salesforce, Tableau, and American Exzpress. LEarn and earn in the corporate world. Then, launch something as a side hustle, while you still have the stability and cash flow from the corporate job. If I can be of further assistance, hit me up over on LinkedIn where I'm more active: