19g6wl1s9c4ix in  
Software Engineering Manager  


Looking at how salary websites work, wouldn't showcasing the median salary in high inflationary market then keep down salaries? The statistically correct way in my opinion is to first de-trend, do the median then put back the trend.

Having really old salaries (pre-inflation, pre-COVID etc..) in the database is skewing down all the stats as they are taken over a non-stationary distribution. The median stats on the website should be limited to the data in the last year.

When I showed this website to my boss, he was like: yeah, look the median is under what you are earning, so you are good.

Whereas actually I'm struggling to pay my day to day expenditures due to the increased rent & food.

Even funnier, our HR increased the cafeteria prices by ~13% quoting inflation and increased prices but the salary ranges only by ~3% quoting they benchmark competitively in the market (ref "median").

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19g615l21do5mjDevOps Engineer  
Your boss will cite whatever they can to justify your pay. Pay isn't "fair" or "market rate", pay is whatever you will work for mostly. Bring them a higher offer from another company and ask them to match it. If they don't match it, accept the offer.

If you can't get a higher offer somewhere else, that's the market telling you that you are fairly paid (note: the market may be wrong, and you may disagree, but that's how this works).




