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Computer Science
How to negotiate?
Recently, I received my long-awaited FAANG offer, along with an offer from a smaller-sized company.
I have little understanding of how the negotiation process works—how to determine if there's room for negotiation and when it's appropriate to do.
Could you share your own guide on how to navigate this process? Any tips or recommendations would be greatly appreciated!

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3TechGuyTechnical Recruiter
I know Levels has a negotiation coaching service that gets a lot of praise: https://www.levels.fyi/services/
I've actually looked through their FAQs and watched the videos and they explain the process pretty well.
Generally though, we always expect candidates to negotiate so I wouldn't worry about whether or not there's room to do it or appropriateness on it. If they tell you straight up that there's no negotiations though, then I'd just be careful of pushing too hard (but you can still push). As long as you're not demanding or super difficult to work with, then your offer shouldn't be at a big risk.
You're going to get a lot of people who tell you to "do your research on salary ranges and just give them a number" and in this market, that might work for 1% of people. For everyone else, your recruiter is going to ask why you want that number and why should they give it to you, because when we go back to our teams to fight for the higher offer, we're on the hook to explain it.
So approach it as if your recruiter is your partner, try to give them the right leverage and explain your thought process so that they can go and fight for you.
Pro tip: If your recruiter doesn't like you, they're not going to want to help you. So please don't be an ass about it. That said, there are a lot of terrible recruiters out there, so if you get one who is genuinely trying to help you, then take it.
I just got a FAANG offer as well. I'm quite surprised that they lowballed the equity piece. Is that common? I asked them to come back with something around what Level is reporting here. Would I expect them to only go halfway and I'll need to push for another round of negotiations?