What are the most lucrative exit opps for this job?
I am about to start my grad scheme as back office tech analyst. I will be responsible for doing the following:
• Being an active participant in our Agile feature teams: providing delivery support, defining requirements,
developing and testing code to support our transformational change agenda
• Contributing to the delivery ---- digital transformation ambitions whilst developing knowledge in Platform
and DevOps engineering and building and supporting ---- Cloud and Core technology
• Helping build out analytics products that deliver insights into business stakeholders
• Playing a leading role in implementing our security focus through assessment of third party security posture,
delivering engaging security awareness materials to colleagues, and advising strategic ---- on security
• Contributing to the growth of the investment data platform that sources, connects & distributes data to meet
investment, client and regulatory requirements
After specialising in one of them, what are the most lucrative roles, companies and industries and geographies I can go into?
Assume that I am good and suited at everything mentioned here above.