aledmu in  
Software Engineer  

How important are thank you follow up emails?

How important is it to followup with thank you emails during the interview process?

I always make sure I leave any call in the interview process communicating that I greatly appreciate their time and being considered for the opportunity. Should I followup after the call emailing everyone I talked with and thanking them again?
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bluelagoonSoftware Engineering Manager  
Useless at FAANGS. They will evaluate you on how you did in the interview regardless of whether you sent a thank you email or not. Don’t send over one to your recruiter. It just adds to the email load.
I used to recruit for FAANG and for whatever reason, almost every candidate who sent me a thank you email afterwards ended up not inclined to hire. The thank you email was completely irrelevant to the decision, obviously, but it made me superstitious enough that I don't personally send one and I kind of hope no one sends them lol



Software Engineer

