Ernesto in
Thoughts on career switch from Software Engineer to Blockchain Engineer
Hi everyone,
Just wanted to start a conversation and get some thoughts on what everyone thinks in regards to switching to blockchain or smart contracts. Im interested and it seems to be highly paid but im not sure theres enough demand yet.
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GooglecoasterSoftware Engineer
imo the only reason to do this is if you have a strong passion for the area and you think you will be noticeably more fulfilled in your day to day life.
I would not do it for compensation or career reasons. There are regular software engineer positions that will pay just as much (and more) as you can make in the blockchain space and they will offer significantly more stability.
Also, it really isn't clear that this is a technology that will be relevant in 10 years so it is a gamble to specialize it. A mind-boggling amount of investment, funding, and very hard work by very smart people has gone into the area in the space in the last couple of years and not a single product has gotten traction, outside of market place platforms.
That should tell you something.
Software Engineer