Justlooking1 in  
Hardware Engineer  

Securing Compensation for Significant Contributions

If you were working at a FAANG company and came up with a new feature that may significantly benefit it, possibly solving a big problem plaguing generative AI, how would you ensure credit/compensation before sharing it?

- the idea falls way outside the scope of your job description
- you're a low level engineer
- you believe patents can be easily skirted since there's many ways of implementing this solution, but only a handful of companies have the infrastructure required to successfully implement it (and yours probably has the best chances)
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CX999Software Engineer  
I'd review your employment contracts, a lot of those companies tend to have a clause or agreement that basically says anything you create for the company will be owned by the company, so make sure you understand that part of it completely. Then also make sure you have all the documentation proving it's your idea and that you came up with it, and then maybe seeing if the company will offer some sort of signed contract/payment clause for the idea. Then you could draft up a proof-of-concept, present it, and see if they'll buy it




