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Data Science  

Finding a job - has become really this hard?

After layoffs effected me beginning of the year I've been searching for jobs relentlessly. Internally - no success (not surprising) I have probably written more than 40 applications now, most included a tailored CV to that role and cover letter. The good news is I get invited quite often (roughly 30%) but nothing comes out of it. Recently I was declined after 6 (!) Interviews at a mid sized company, because in the last interview they didn't see the "right spirit" with me. Fuck that bullshit. What happened in the last years that the job marked got screwed so hard? In the beginning I was focusing on companies more similar to my current employer (faang) but now even smaller places. It feels so frustrating to be rejected from smaller no name companies. I seriously start to feel more and more sick by the day. Does anyone have an advice for me to navigate this?
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eightysixerSoftware Engineer  
It sounds like you're getting traction, so your resume, interviewing, etc. are getting you deep into loops. That's as much as you can hope for. It remains a brutal environment though and companies are stupid picky. Your one weakness is only 40 applications. This is a numbers game and the numbers are not in your favor. I would suggest making 2-3 versions of your CV instead of tailoring to each app, and prioritizing volume of applications over quality. Expect to get to ~300 applications before you find a job, maybe more. Do realize lots of people with weaker resumes, weaker interviewing, etc. are having even less success than you. Some can't get any interview after 300 applications. You are above the median, there's no need to panic, you just need to grind more volume. Good luck!
I agree with this sentiment! Tailoring your CV and researching the company more in depth usually helps. Also, always keep your spirits up - its a marathon. Perhaps with more layoffs the competition has become harder too! Hang in there.




