ImaginaryWolfe in  
Software Engineer  

Entering the job search

I have been working for the same company for 6 years. 30 years old. Base comp 112k, told that I should be Senior engineer level.

I am confident in my skills as an engineer but absolutely terrified of getting out there. I feel uncertain on my resume, my interviewing skills. Huge amount of imposter syndrome with trying to look for another job.

Not only do I feel underpaid, I am also incredibly bored. I want to get out there and work on something new.

I really would love to land a Senior level job at a company that will pay base 150+.

All this being said. What are some recommendations for how to be confident going out there and putting my best foot forward. 
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eightysixerSoftware Engineer  
There's lots of tactical advice on interview prep out there, you can search for it. Strategically, I recommend first coming up with a list of companies that would be your core "I want to work here" targets, and then applying/interviewing at a few companies NOT on that list. If you're rusty at interviewing, it takes 1-2 warmup interviews for you to remember how to exercise that muscle. You'll either build confidence, or identify the weak parts of your interview game that you need to work on. Remember that interviewing is a sales job, and being confident helps a lot. A lot of us struggle with imposter syndrome but learning how to overcome that is not just part of the interview game, but also part of being an effective senior engineer.




